Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve 2012

I am so glad that this year is coming to an end! I lost a "good" friend and a house this year.  My family moved in with my mom for about 3 months, which was a disaster.  On a good note, we moved into my townhouse, got the carpet redone, my son played his first season of tee ball, and had his first Christmas program at "school"! I always look to the new year with a hope of things being better, but I guess that life is life and it is what we make of it.  

My "resolutions" for this year are 1) to get a new, refreshed relationship with The Lord; 2) loose the 20 lbs that should have been gone already; and 3) to increase time with my kids.  It's funny how much there is to do and how many times I tell my kids that I'll play later...later very rarely comes.  There's hardly ever a time where I'm not doing something, even though a lot of the times I am just on the computer.  Pinterest and Facebook should not count as doing something when my kids want me.  

Tonight my sister and her husband are coming over to do whatever it is we will do.  Yes, there will be drinking.  That should be another one of my goals, to quit the drinking.  I have drank a lot lately and it's always great while I'm doing it and then the guilt comes later.  Right now I am waiting on some laundry to finish so I can put it in the dryer and then at least get on the treadmill.  I figure if I use this week as a chance to carve out the time to workout, then when I restart P90X, maybe it'll be a little easier.

I would like to use this as a diary of sorts to log this coming year.  I'm really not very good at remembering to write in a journal, so this may not work either.  Sometimes, though, I just need an outlet. I don't feel good; I shouldn't have eaten so many cookies. Squirrel... Yeah, seems like I can't keep things straight! 

Success for the day:  2 miles on the treadmill! Yay! It may not be much, but it's something!

Time to go clean for my sister's visit!